He made me cry…

He made me cry…

You wouldn’t know He is a sadist if you met Him casually somewhere. The first time I had met Him, we had chatted and laughed, I had seen his face light up from the naughty twinkles in his big, beautiful eyes (Oh, those gorgeous eyes…Sigh). But then that...


Control A fickle fawn Delicate… Delightful… Daring… Too tight and I’ll break it, The harder it is, The more fragile it is. Too loose, And you don’t have it any more, It’s only a blurred line Like a dissolving illusion In a desert. Control, Can be caring, Can be scary,...

A Short Dress and the Dilemmas

Short dresses and I don’t go together. Ever. Period. Enough said. Just like you don’t put two brownies together with whipped cream and cherries between them and sprinkle chocolate sauce on it unless you want it sinful, exactly like that you don’t put me in a short...