by Kinky Collective | Jun 1, 2023 | Articles
By what name / handle / initial would you like to be referred during the interview? You can call me Mr_Rahul, that’s what people know me as. Did you attend a munch before you organized it yourself and if not, what prompted you to take the initiative of organizing a...
by Kinky Collective | Mar 9, 2023 | Kink in Media
This is a one of a kind event happening for the first time on ground. We will have conversations around Kink through the lens of Feminism, Polyamory and Queer perspectives and engage in dialogues which normalizes kink. This event seeks to make kink visible in India...
by Kinky Collective | Jun 28, 2021 | KC in Media
BDSM Finds A Voice In India – Tickleberry Kinksters are the Best People… Thoughts on Kink Con 2023Thoughts thoughted, memories revisited and bonds bonded – my thoughts on kink, community and imagining the future of kink and queerness in India –...
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