by J.Walker | Apr 11, 2016 | Articles
I did feel guilty. For a very long time. Then again, I had kinky thoughts very early on and I would have to wait many many years until the internet became accessible. The internet really helped. I found a community and people, who helped me understand what happened...
by J.Walker | Sep 8, 2014 | Articles
Someone asked whether we would be open about BDSM “if it were legal”.Well… it isn’t just a matter of legality, also of social acceptance.But if BDSM was entirely legal and socially acceptable, if being open about it carried no social...
by J.Walker | Jun 24, 2014 | Articles
We initially carry our “dominant ego” a little everywhere, including in places where it has no place being. One of those is reality.To dominate someone, there is a price to pay: we need to submit. To reality.Because reality is there whether you like it or...
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